10 thoughts on “WCW: Penélope Cruz

  1. I feel ashamed now that the only things I’ve seen her in are NINE and the Pirates sequel, both of which… blech.
    Nine is arguably the more painful for me because I actually know the musical, and it’s much, MUCH better than the film, which somehow manages to make everyone in it, from Daniel Day-Lewis to Dame Judi freakin’ Dench, lame. I blame the screenwriters.
    Head in the Clouds looks tempting though.

  2. I’d be surprised if there are anymore Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Disney has said they won’t hire Johnny Depp anymore. Without Jack Sparrow they aren’t worth watching.

  3. 1- I saw that doublet fabric on a chair I re-upholstered, I swear! 2- Goats are very huggable, and don’t even mention kids! 3- Fanfan the second edition is a crime, and not even mentioning the costumes. The supposed Mme de Pompadour wears a dress that is burned in my memory like some Mordor thing… Yes, it’s the Ork version of a Française dress.

  4. goats yay! Cruse, not so much. BUT she is OK in Captain Corelli [despite Nicholas Cage’s general miscasting and overacting excesses] It’s a nice story not unduly schmaltzy, and the book is great

  5. I’m going with Captain Corelli’s Mandolin since the only other movie I’ve seen was Pirates and it has cute animals. You gave me some good flicks to troll for.

    Btw Happy Thanksgiving and if you’re a carnivore eat lots of turkey. If not, Linda McCartney’s cookbooks have delicious vegetarian holiday meals.

  6. The skirt Cruz is wearing in The Matador looks exactly like the one worn several times by Eilis in Brooklyn

  7. Notice t5hat one of the extra’s dress in The Queen of Spain screenshot is wearing one of Katherine of Aragon’s costumes from the Tudors.

    This to be exact: https://www.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F564x%2F81%2F7f%2F25%2F817f25de9b3ed4442d760a11ff1db9aa.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F561190803551090779%2F&docid=_40XhzMHWg2AAM&tbnid=63Ne1gHbwrt3xM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiOt8C9-ObeAhXMMo8KHefIB5AQMwhwKBkwGQ..i&w=383&h=576&bih=657&biw=1366&q=the%20tudors%20katherine%20of%20aragon&ved=0ahUKEwiOt8C9-ObeAhXMMo8KHefIB5AQMwhwKBkwGQ&iact=mrc&uact=8

  8. I liked her (and the costumes too) in Volaverunt, even if the movie isn’t so touching. Yes let’s forget Fanfan. She acted well (in nice roles) in Belle époque and Pirates as well as in Captain Corelli’s mandolin, but I can’t see both (the novel and the movie) as good works; coming from a tragica historical event, Italians’ depiction is full of stereotypes.

  9. The problem is that my favorite Cruz role is the one she won an Oscar for . . . and that wasn’t a period film.

    However . . . I did enjoy her performances in “On Stranger Tides” and “Murder on the Orient Express”.

    I’d be surprised if there are anymore Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Disney has said they won’t hire Johnny Depp anymore. Without Jack Sparrow they aren’t worth watching.

    No, they’re aren’t. Unless they hire James Marsters.

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