17 thoughts on “Top Five Beards in Historical Movies

  1. Jamie’s/Sam’s hermit beard is from season three. Season two was the horrible muskrat that crawled up on Jamie’s face and called itself a beard when (he had been released from the Bastille).

    Can’t think of one bushy beard that looks good no matter who’s wearing it. Now a nicely trimmed beard or a goatee – doesn’t matter who’s wearing it it’ll probably look pretty good.

  2. That picture of Patrick Stewart kills me. That grin falls out of chair The 12th century look really works for him.

    Could we also have a list of the top five men who SHOULD have beard in historical movies? Sometimes the lack of facial hair just goes too far.

  3. Close-trimmed Goatees: YES.

    Scruffy hair on the face? NOPE.

    I’m not a huge fan of most beards; I think a lot of guys look better without them.

    1. Agreed! So much facial hair. I went to the reenactment once and the guy who played Gen. Hancock was there in costume and his little chin beard was somehow longer and maybe a bit curly? (it was years ago now but I preferred the movie look).

  4. Gandalf although that’s a fantasy movie.
    But for a history frock flick, maybe Keith Mitchell in the Six Wives of Henry VIII. He goes from hot powerful monarch to a weedy old man with bad legs by part 6.

  5. Damian Lewis’ glorious ginger beard in Wolf Hall, and Rowan Atkinson’s beard in blackadder the second. Stephen Fry’s beard in blackadder the second was also magnificent.

    1. Rowan Atkinson’s beard in Blackadder II is one of the single sexiest things I have ever seen on TV.

  6. I’m so happy Tim Curry made it on this list and in (no joke) one of my favorite movies ever. He has a song in that one, and at one point he says, “Upstage, lads, this is my only number!” Everything he does is perfection.

  7. Jonathan Pryce’s beard in Carrington. That was commitment! I adore the shot that echoes her painting of Strachey.

  8. Being married to a real bearded man, I can’t rely on those gentlemen, except for Lincoln. Even sweet red Jamie, this is waaay too groomed to be wild. Noooo. And a goatee looks bad on everyone. Except if it’s historically accurate, of course

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