12 thoughts on “Jericho: England Meets Old West

  1. I haven’t heard about this show…how recently did it come out?

    Oh, & Kendra, I’ve got to disagree with you about Hans. He was incredibly sexy as Dr. Zhivago(despite the zzzz pace of that adaptation.) He played the painter Caravaggio in something else awhile back too & tho it was a major cheese fest of a movie, he looked delicious throughout(lots of scenes of Hans’ bum LOL.) He did look miserably boring in The Tudors as Archbishop Cramner, but guess clergy men aren’t supposed to ooze sex appeal?

    Explain where you get the Neanderthal-esque vibe from him? I totally KNOW that kinda look/vibe(equally NOT attracted to it either,) but I’ve never gotten it from him.

    Lol, I’m right on board with your choice of men…I LOVE the baddies too(hello, Ramsay Bolton from GoT??!!) Now, I feel so let down & confused :(

  2. Regarding the red dress.
    1. Red was not actually regarded as a whorish color in the Victorian Age. Manly, powerful, yes. Risqué, no.
    2. My little local county museum has two Victorian wedding dresses that are red. This is in a small town area. Another local museum I know of has a red wedding dress as well. I’d venture to say the most popular colors for wedding dresses back in the day here were brown, blue, white, and red, in that order.

    Also, blouse and skirt ensembles are so very wrong for the 1870’s. Those are quite disappointing to see.

  3. When this was broadcast the hair irritated me so much that I could never bring myself to watch it – so thank you for showing me what I missed, costume-wise!

  4. I will definitely see if my library has it. If so, I will watch and throw Kirby clips (Bobby pins) at the screen when women are on whose hair down. Prostitutes will be exempt.

  5. You are so right! Those prints made me think of IKEA textiles. Especially the circles.

  6. I love this review but I have 2 points to bring up. First the lack of an updo on Martha. Young girls in their early teens would not have their hair done up at that time. That was a right of passage to signal that they were of marriageable age and much fuss would be made when a girl started wearing “long dresses and their hair up.” Though I do agree that her mother should have her hair completely up the entire series with perhaps a few straggles when working hard.
    The second point is the green dress that Isabella wears is more correct than the brighter dress that the Madam is wearing. Around the 1870’s it was discovered that the arsenic used to set the vivid greens that were popular at that time was actually deadly and would leach through the fabric and be absorbed into your skin. So most of the upper classes stopped wearing them.

  7. The blue and white prints are very Japanese (shibori-like), and not entirely wrong for 1870’s Japan. 1870’s Yorkshire – most likely not.

    1. Yes, I did see an article where (the actress? the costume designer?) talked about these as being Japanese prints, which I can totally accept, and yes Japonisme was totally a thing in the West of this era… but I’ve just never seen anything like it, in this period, in Western fashion. 1930s, yes.

      1. This is my sort of gut reaction also; however, I’ve periodically been pretty surprised at how modern some of the prints they used throughout Victorian 19th century. I can’t say I’ve seen anything quite like these, just that I’ve been surprised by others so that I *might* not dismiss them outright.

  8. I haven’t watched this yet, but the practical blouse outfits and the hairstyles remind me sooo much of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman – which, in my book, is a good thing and gets a pass for nostalgia. I might have to give this a try.

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