7 thoughts on “Anne Boleyn (2021)

  1. This wasn’t colorblind casting it was stunt casting. The show makers were looking to make a statement and get attention. Miss Turner-Smith’s acting chops were irrelevant. It was all about her color. Also the costumes look awful.

    1. Thank you for this honest statement. Moreover, I think that actors, playing historical characters, should externally resemble them.

  2. I’m all for colour-blind testing especially if it reveals new insights. However, I was disappointed in this one. A great actress wasted. It was turgid, and the script wasn’t that good. And unfortunately it added nothing new. Wolf Hall still reigns for me.

  3. I’ll be the dissenting voice in one regard — though the costumes leave a LOT to be desired, I thought Jodie Turner-Smith was among the better Annes I’ve seen in terms of performance lately (a few weird moments in the script notwithstanding). She had a very dignified air going for her that I thought made sense for the stretch of time the series was portraying (trying to maintain her composure and power rather than go to pieces as the world turns against her), and she and the directors found a way to make her Anne sensual and alluring without going into hypersexualization or objectification at the appropriate times (for the most part).

  4. I sincerely was curious about this film. But it was just so boring and the inaccuracy definitely killed this for me. Screw her skin tone- Anne orders the execution of a peasant woman without trial for spitting at her (as if a queen could condemn anyone to death) and Henry VIII is the sub in their word bdsm-ish relationship. Thank you, no

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