19 thoughts on “SNARK WEEK RECAP: The Empress (2022), Ep. 2

  1. Ghod, this is Costume nightmare. Why am I thinking Reign but with less pretty prom dresses? And I LIKED REIGN. This is a travesty.
    I give the costumers an F.

  2. I almost did a spit-take when I saw Helene’s hair, and yes I also immediately thought of Debbie from the Addam’s family movie! Some things I can let slide (It may not be the most accurate but I actually really like Sisi’s gold and purple ensemble you mention at the beginning) but I HATE THAT HAIR SO MUCH!!
    Also, as mentioned in my Episode 1 comment…GIANT HOUNDSTOOTH PRINT WHYYYY?

  3. I have Helene’s hair – however I was inspired by Sandie Shaw’s haircut during her peak pop idol days in the 1960s. It’s a cute look but not for someone who was alive in the mid-to-late 1800s!

  4. Whenever I see Franz’s Mom I think about Elsa Lanchester in “The Frankenstein’s Bride”. That just had to be her hairdo inspiration.

  5. Did they make her own hair into a tiara for her wedding or does whatever it is on her head just look like braided hair with fake jewels stuck on?
    As far as I know, those famous photo with a skirt for a hoop dress being lowered with weird hooks is a satire…
    We don’t know what Sisi’s wedding dress looked like, but the embroidered parts were later cut out and used to decorate ecclesiastical garments. And the train survives. So we do know it had very rich silver embroidery and a long (embroidered) train. Neither of which seem to be present here.
    Please tell me this is a joke and you photoshopped Helen with her hairstyle in there… Pretty please?

  6. We’re all familiar with impulsively cutting bangs for yourself after a traumatic breakup. Helene took it so hard that even having to time travel 100 years didn’t stop her from doing it!

    It was the looks of the ladies-in-waiting that immediately stuck out to me as totally bonkers when I saw the preview of this show. But the rest is pretty shocking too!
    It’s just so weird that every now and then there is a costume that’s sort of acceptable, like the Swiss waist one here.

  7. Buried in the Wikipedia article on her is a line that ‘She never wore petticoats or any other “underlinen”, as they added bulk…’ So did they accidentally get something right, in the undressing-with-no-chemise- scene?? And… really? Yuck.

    1. Wow, that’s interesting info, thanks for sharing. Really don’t want to think about how that worked for the real Sisi though…

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