10 thoughts on “Top Five Frock Flicks You Might Like if You Like Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries

  1. Frankie Drake has been airing on PBS around here, so I’m able to watch it on my local PBS station’s website – worth a try for those without Ovation. It’s fun – a bit of a female Murdoch Mysteries, with the constant weaving in of Famous People From History, but fun nonetheless.

  2. The Cat’s Meow is a complete delight! You will spend half the movie going, “Hey it’s [That Person]!” and drooling over the costumes.

  3. Cat’s Meow is ripping. Costumes and characters dead on. And I’d watch Francesca Annis in anything. I’ve seen Partners in Crime several times and somehow my DVD has gone missing, ergo I need to buy a new one.

  4. I’m curious, how many people STILL ask you if you’ll review Ms. Fisher’s Mysteries?

      1. It can be a little hard to find if you don’t know it’s usually at the end of an article. Most pages have it at the top of the page or as an option in the menu.

  5. Current best thing around here is the rerun of “The Pinkertons”, which features the first female agent. Costumes not bad, weapons right, and the women’s makeup is very understated. Loved Tommy & Tuppence, Cat’s Meow.

  6. I really tried liking Cable Girls but there are so many screaming historical inaccuracies, both costume (I mean, plastic sequins, really? And how could they afford those lavish dresses on their tiny paycheck??) as well as general inaccuracies…. I can’t stand cringing every time; so I guess it is just not for me…

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