7 thoughts on “Indian Summers (2015) Costume Wrap-Up

  1. The costumes and, more importantly, your posts about them were far better than the actual series. I tried hard to watch it but there were too many characters and none of them was particularly likable. A friend of mine said that the rich guy’s sister was the hero but I didn’t find out enough about her to care. Great analysis, though!

  2. Wonderful commentary and it was informative. It’s nice to see that the costume designer made an extraordinary effort to ensure accuracy (or at least as close as possible).

  3. I once went to an Abercrombie & Fitch outlet store and saw almost exactly the same colours and cuts for casual after-safari wear, especially the various tan suits. Apparently those styles are as classic as some tweeds.

  4. Why is it that when it comes to the hairstyles of Western women in the 1930s, neither Hollywood or the British film/television industries cannot seemed to get it just right?

  5. I love Ralph’s 1930’s does 18th century makeup! I looks like Dan Steven’s fabulous fancy dress makeup in the Beauty and The Beast remake!

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