17 thoughts on “The Borgias: Kick-Ass Hair: Season 2

  1. I am over the moon on the hair of Lucrezia, Giulia and Catarina Sforza. Lucrezia looks to be a strawberry blonde in the Dossi portrait. And it has to be dated from 1505 and after as Lucrezia didn’t become Ferrara’s duchess until 1505. She died in 1518. So can we consider her a redhead?

  2. I have no idea if any of it is historically accurate, but I do know that Holliday Granger has never looked more gorgeous than she does on this show!

  3. Pretty sure that hair bleach was a thing in 16th century Italy, which might account for the variation/lack of agreement on Lucrezia’s hair color. Not so sure about late 15th, but within the realm of possibility.

    1. Not to mention that it isn’t at all unusual for hair to get darker after a pregnancy (and sometimes to get darker after each kid) and she had a lot of pregnancies.

    2. Yes! You’ve also got the real historical example of Catherine of Valois, who wore blonde wigs despite having dark brown hair.

  4. Apparently Giulia Farnese was a mediterranean beauty, with black eyes, dark hair and tanned skin. Her beauty was legendary though, even if she wasn’t in line with the aesthetic canon of those times.

  5. I loved the ladies hair in the Borgias. Supposedly Lucrezia’s hair was very fair. There is a lock of it displayed at the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana in Piazza Pio XI in Milan. It was also seen by Lord Byron who described it as very fair. It looks very gold in colour to my eyes. Almost a strawberry blonde.

  6. Those gold hair pins are historically accurate! They are based on finds from Finsbury Circus dated to the 14th century.

  7. Bianca is a made up character. Federico Gonzaga was married to Isabella d’Este. (When Lucrezia married the duke of Ferrara, she became sister-in-law to Isabella.)

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